THE ORIGINAL HAS PICTURES, BUT NO PICTURES IN THIS BLOG. SHANTI LINSEN DO, DC, NHA On the front page, of the original script, you find the 10 commandments, some of which don’t seem to mean much to a lot of people today, but I will only deal with the 6th commandment here. “THOU SHALT NOT KILL”! What does that mean to you? Is it killing people only, what is meant by that statement in the 10 commandments, or shall we go a bit further and adapt this saying to all life? I mean all living things created by God for a specific purpose, including plants and all creatures? Everything has a purpose and creation has many forms. All creations are vitally important for the balance of nature. It is that each creation is like a cog in a wheel. Without this cog, the wheel would not work. From that statement I conclude that even the smallest little animals, or the very smallest plants, fungi and bacteria, the fishes in the seas, which are out of sight, as well as the more robust and viewable creations are equally important in nature. I state this sentence, as so often, after a flood or bush fires, only the death of large animals, such as horses, cows and sheep are mentioned and all the millions of little ‘helpers’ are totally forgotten or ignored. God created this world and everything in it. We should not disregard anything as being NOT important, because it is! It is well documented and also by using our reasonable thinking, that we must realise that everything is important. The world, or better the whole Universe, is such a finely balanced creation, that nothing therein can be ignored or thought to be un-necessary. If you follow a recipe for a particular dish you want to make in your kitchen, you cannot leave one item out of that recipe, as it will NOT produce the taste or texture in the food you want to cook, even if it is only ‘a pinch’ of one ingredient. If you take away only ‘one wheel’ from your car, you cannot drive that car. It is therefore the same; if we keep that balance of Nature and keep everything alive, all will be fine and every creation and all creatures (*) are doing their job. (*) Most creations ARE DOING THEIR JOB, EXCEPT MAN IT SEEMS, something I will elaborate on later. So, coming back to killing, nothing should be killed for the sake of killing. We all need to eat to live and the “consumption of plants” for instance, is nature’s way of keeping us alive. By saying: “US”, I mean all living things. We also need the wood from some trees for instance to build shelters and furniture, but I am talking about killing/felling trees to make way for man’s greed to make money. Taking from Mother Earth is fine and that is part of the plan, as long as we give back and in the case of taking trees, we therefore must grow more trees, to replace the ones we cut down, so they can continue doing the work required. More of that later as well. In true nature, most plants and trees feed themselves and other plants, by their dying leaves, barks and fallen branches and sharing these remnants to go back to other plants as compost. As these leaves etc. fall back to Earth; so many other creatures have a hand in dealing with their breaking down into useable compost. We can observe the fungi, mosses, bacteria (hard to see with the naked eye), etc. working 24/7 to get this job done. If there are no trees, there will not be the protection (shade) for the under story of living creatures, as in small plants and animals. Some animal remains also contribute to the feeding of other animals and also plants. A lot of desert areas are created by taking trees and not replacing them. That is why I like to say using, rather than killing plant life for food, which is nature’s plan of keeping others alive. This has always been the law. THE LAW OF NATURE! THE LAW WE MUST FOLLOW! Some animals eat other animals for survival, and again this is the way it was designed. KILLING ANIMALS, like mosquitoes is not natural, as these creatures have a purpose. I hear you say: “Not mozzies, they are bad and I hate them.” Okay, hang onto your hat and will explain. If you do not know what the purpose is of any creation, find out (*), but I will help you in this case. Mozzies are an important phase in the food chain, as they serve as food for the tadpoles, frogs and fish in the ponds and rivers, while they are still wrigglers. When they fly away as adults, they become food for bats and small birds. Then there is another very important role the mosquito plays and that is in the pollination of flowers, like the bees. (There are indeed quite a few other insects, who fulfill this role as well). So far so good, right? (*) This sort of thing should be taught in schools at an early age, as part of a complete education, so we as humans can act upon this knowledge as children. There always seem to be so many of them and that is because man has unbalanced nature. They carry diseases you may say, YES, but only because man has allowed these diseases to be. (*) Yes, so true, they are inclined to suck your blood and it is very annoying when they do, but even that is relevant. I do not get stung by mosquitoes myself. I cannot remember the last time I was bitten, but other people are real targets and they cannot be outside, especially towards and after dark. Neighbours on either side of my cabin, complain of mozzie bites every night, but I leave my front door open till it gets a bit cooler right now, during the summer months. So maybe there is a lesson to be learned here as well. I am sure it is my diet, that keeps them away. I eat garlic, onions, brown rice, tuna, macadamia nuts, sweet potatoes, green peas, beans, eggs, tomatoes, spinach, sunflower seeds, fish, asparagus, beans and lentils, which all contain thiamine (vitamin B1) and I digest these well. Other Vitamin B1 foods are: beef, salmon, pork, liver, nutritional yeast, dairy products, chicken, oranges, yoghurt, tuna, peanuts, mussels, tofu and apple cider vinegar. Mosquitoes are more likely to bite females, because they often wear perfumes of a floral origin, which is attractive to them. I find this very interesting. (*) Diseases will only strike, when your immune system is low. In the modern world especially, this is a VERY BIG PROBLEM. The way we eat ‘foods’, which are not sustaining our immune systems properly. Diseases have always been a problem and have killed millions of people, when they rage, but man has been very unreal in keeping his immune system at a high level for ages. I have covered this well and truly, in previous writings. In a house I lived in a few years ago, we had 3 little ponds and a creek running through the property. When darkness fell, the noise of frogs in these ponds was deafening. You just could not go on the phone, because you would not hear the caller. I liked it, as these little creatures were having a lovely time, being alive and doing the job of keeping mozzies at bay. A little while after dark they stopped croaking again. One night I woke up and smelled some strange chemical smell. I woke my partner and asked her if she could smell it as well. She certainly could and we went outside to see what could be happening, but nothing was observed, however the following night there was not a single frog croaking anymore. We suspected that the neighbour had sprayed some poison on the ponds, killing all life therein. He must have heard them as well of course and decided to put an end to that ‘noise’. That is the sort of stupidity man will do, to have what he wants ONLY, not considering the rest of nature. So, what happened next…. More mosquitoes! The frogs did NOT come back either! Killing is a very common thing, both in ‘people killing people’, as we hear about so often. Also, we see a lot of movies on TV all day and night, where killing people is the norm. It is so common, that we do not even blink an eye and accept these deeds. Next time you watch one of these movies, give LIFE a lot of thought and turn the TV off. You don’t need that sort of pollution. (not very realistic is it really?). Then I think of the killing of little creatures in the house. We are told to kill everything. There are hundreds of sprays and traps on the supermarket shelves, to kill everything, including weeds in the garden; anything unwanted really. “Kill, kill, kill! Why not; they are only bugs and weeds after all, aren’t they”? And these sprays kill 99.9% of them (they claim). Wrong! Yes, they are bugs and weeds/plants etc., but God created everything with a real purpose and that should be enough to make you stop killing His beautiful creations and YOUR friends. As I mentioned the mosquito above, which has so many purposes, SO DO ALL THE OTHERS. Nothing was created for nothing! So many little workers are tidying up after us all the time. In the house, we shed small flakes of skin for instance and they fall on your carpet; these little ‘friends’ eat them and keep your place clean. And you want to kill them? A designer/creator never puts anything in a design, unless it is NEEDED. The word ‘weed’ for instance, has become a sign to people, that this plant must be destroyed at all cost. As soon as we hear that word ‘weed’, our brains are reacting and killing is the optimum action it seems. That is what society has made us believe. And of course, the chemical companies are right there for you with a TOXIC SPRAY. Spraying weeds on a farm. The true dandelion has only one stem. A flatweed, or sometimes called Wild dandelion has (3) multiple, thin stems. The true dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), has a reputation as a weed in your lawn, BUT did you know that this pant has tremendous food value? You can eat dandelion raw, as a salad green or steamed as you do spinach. The flatweed, cat’s ear, or false dandelion (Hypochaeris radicata) may also be eaten and has similar properties to the true dandelion. The picture on the right, shows someone KILLING dandelions. Dandelion is a very important and healthy herb/vegetable and should be eaten as much as possible. The leaves are a very good diuretic. The leaves are also stimulating the appetite and help digestion. The flower has antioxidant properties and help improve the immune system, mentioned above. The greens are a good source of vitamin A, C and K. The roots are also used as a coffee, when roasted and do not have the negative effects that coffee has. Well, well, well! I have known people, who got rid of their grass lawn and allowed the dandelions to take over. So here again, we see people KILL a very good and valuable plant, NOT WEED, because we are told they are a WEED. Mmmm! Sprays are toxic to the plants, toxic to the soil, the little critters and fungi and also to you. THEY ARE NOT SAFE, WHATEVER THEY SAY. I have spent many hours, days, months really, researching some of these chemicals and there are so many of them, that I could go on doing research all day and night, but I never found any safe ones among them. If I am to die, it will be likely of a ‘broken heart’, as I see these killings going on all around me and realise that each one of them, is working for me, to give me a better and healthier life. I am doing all I can to keep myself healthy and use organic foods and breathe in fresh air, whenever possible (now). I had to visit the bulk-food store this morning, to get a fresh supply of seeds. The owner could not believe that I was almost 90. She wanted to take a photo of me and send it to a friend. She is going to get on my website and read as much as she can. I JUST LOVE Mother Earth and all its creations. Having traveled around the country for 6 or so years non-stop, I was able to observe so many amazing little animals, we normally don’t even see around our homes. I would often lie on my stomach and watch them. When I saw some of them, I questioned myself and asked: “I wonder what this little fellow is doing for the balance of nature?” I could not answer that immediately, but when I got home, back to my computer, I was able to research their worth, I was always so amazed to find out the result, like the ‘mozzie’ Q: “Why are there so many mozzies all the time, you ask?” A: “They are allowed to breed freely and have very few predators, to keep them under control, like frogs in the breeding ponds.” Man has taken the liberty to kill anything he sees as an ‘enemy’. One more amazing animal is the termite. We shudder when we hear the word ‘termite’ or ‘white ant’. Yes indeed, when they come into our homes and devour all the timber in the structure of that house, that is very bad, but…. Don’t forget that we built our house on termite infested ground in the first place and care should have been taken to stop them from entering our home, by the proper safeguards and deterrents, but not poisons that kill. By deterring them, they will go to a place, where there is something to devour which does not affect you. Maybe some old wood or branches that may be lying around. On the land, where they normally live, they do an amazing job, of turning old woods and grasses into mounds of clay and spit, cleaning up the world as it were. These mounds are a piece of art and look very spectacular and I have taken many photos of them. I have even written a poem about the termite; it was a good subject when I drove through the North in particular. Modern man is so gullible and engrossed with advertising these days, believing the big business people, who just want your money and selling you chemicals to kill. This is another way for them to make money. Today we are generally NOT involved in the balance of nature and we just don’t think about it. We are inclined to just go on living the way we have chosen, often without thinking and listening to the advertising, without giving the above much thought. It is really high time, we came back to realise, that killing is NOT on and that taking only is impossible to maintain. I watch Sir David Attenborough’s nature programs (and others) on TV and find his work incredibly fascinating and educating. These are the programs we all should be watching with the children, to show and teach them and ourselves, not only the beauty of Mother Nature, but the workings of each and every creation, to keep this magic balance in order. Willy-nilly destroying nature is not sustainable and modern man has done so much of it, that by now, many species of flora and fauna have disappeared and many others are on the endangered list. Most scientists and I myself too, believe that we have left things too late, to continue life as we know it. Man will survive a life somehow, but it will be very different to what God has intended. I have written a booklet called: “THE WAY WE ARE MEANT TO LIVE”, which will show you, what life can be and should be like, even today. Governments realise that they have stuffed up and have allowed the ‘big boys’ or ‘them’, as I wrote somewhere, to do whatever they want for money, because they benefit. They realise they have wrecked this place beyond repair. So now they are thinking of migrating mankind to another planet. Mess up one place and walk away to do the same again in the future and then do it all again? In the process of finding out what is there in the cosmos, they have left an estimated 100 million pieces of space-debris, floating in the near orbit of Earth already and they don’t know how to get rid of them. They seem to rely on time, so that eventually these pieces will re-enter the atmosphere and burn up. However, on a daily basis, they are sending up more and more rockets and all the hardware that gets them into space, which will become even more junk. So, therefore trying to get rid of what’s there is a joke. Stop polluting! Getting man to another planet is one thing, but what about the rest of creation, man relies upon? Ridiculous! I hope one day, that man is going somewhere else and leaves Mother Earth to regenerate again. The idea of going to another planet is a scientist’s dream, even if they found another compatible and habitable planet, it will be many light-years away. One light year is 9.46 trillion km away and we will never survive even going half way. Forget that idea and make this place a priority, by keeping what we have and improving on it, something that is the RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL OF US. We need to clean up the mess we have made NOW and start living within the bounds of nature. You cannot expect to live in a house and not clean it regularly, leaving the filth around everywhere and then walking out and go to live in another house, can you? MORE OF THIS AT THE END OF THE BOOK. If some of the money spent on space exploration was spent on looking after Mother Earth, it would look a lot better indeed. I’ll keep on saying over and over: “Let’s live WITH NATURE.” We have to stop TAKING ONLY and we should GIVE BACK right now, before it is too late. We MUST appreciate the whole of creation, not just the large animals and trees, but the very small, inconspicuous little workers, who are at work 24/7, unseen, but oh so important. How can we give back? PLANT TREES, SAVE WATER, STOP POLLUTING, STOP KILLING. I was observing some tiny ants this morning on the floor of my cabin. They were the scouts, sent out to find food, or better, something to clean up. These scouts traverse the floor, the kitchen bench, everything where there could be something to eat. As soon as they find that morsel, the whole colony will come out and start devouring this, following the trail of Pheromones left there by these scouts. How amazing is this event? If you leave something on the kitchen bench at night that is edible, I guarantee you that in the morning it is either gone or partly eaten. How they find it is still a mystery, but these scouts seem to be around all the time. I love it! Q: Do ants sleep? It seemed to me that they did not, as there are always some of them around, day and night. A: Research has shown that they do have a cyclical pattern of resting periods, which each nest as a group observes, lasting about 8 minutes in any 12-hour period. They are ‘power-nappers’ really and have a quick rest often. I thought you may like this information. Various ants do things their way and there are many hundreds of species of ants in the world. We no longer live WITH NATURE. God created this world with all its inhabitants (plants and all animals) for a purpose as I said above. If we do not understand the purpose, it is a sign that we have not given things much thought AND WE ARE NOT BEING EDUCATED EITHER. Sit quietly at times (often really) and contemplate what is going on around you and then do something positive, to rectify what negativity you have caused. I also state above, the purpose of a mosquito. That is most likely something you did not know. But now, this has been cleared up, we should be more attentive and start saving these animals for the balance of nature, AS LONG AS WE BALANCE NATURE AGAIN IN ITS ENTIRETY. It is prevention I love talking about. Killing mozzies should only be a temporary measure, until nature will find the way to keep them under control again, if WE DO OUR BALANCING ACT, by cleaning up our waterways and allowing more frogs and fish to live in these ponds and rivers, so they in turn devour the mosquito wrigglers, before they become an adult mozzie. Till such time we do, mosquitoes are there in their millions. Yes, indeed, what do we do? We may have to kill at least some of them for now, till we have reached that all important balance. The only reason you don’t like a mozzie is that SHE stings and leaves a nasty itch. (It is the female mozzie that does the biting/blood sucking). Other critters in the home are not necessarily bad either. Very often they clean up after us too, like the ants. Having your house “squeaky clean”, using chemicals, is in my opinion wrong. WHAT CONSTITUTES ‘CLEAN’? Ads on TV are so adamant, the way ‘they’ (Chemical companies) tell us that we should kill everything. The problem with having your carpet chemically cleaned for instance, is that the little workers are now dead, who may be eating some of our discarded skin. That is something we all shed on a daily basis, as I said above. From now on, you are breathing in a chemical residue, which lasts for many months or even years. Especially your little baby, who crawls over this ‘clean’ carpet. It takes about 7 years, before a new carpet stops OUT-GASSING the chemicals used, to produce this carpet, the same as chip board and other furniture compounds, such as the glues and finishes. Formaldehyde is a chemical used in furniture manufacturing as well as in carpets, plywood, particle board and panelling, wallpapers and paints. You will even find some formaldehyde in synthetic fabrics such as permanent press, some cosmetics and personal products. This is really bad stuff! This is a very strong and dangerous chemical. In industry and in some science laboratories, it is used to preserve bodies of species of animals for future reference. It is usually affecting your eyes, lungs, nose and throat and can make you cough and wheeze and can even affect your chest and give you bronchitis. Throat swelling has occurred and death followed. It is well known that a house is not really safe to live in for 7 years, because of the out-gassing. Again, this is NOT mentioned anywhere. Clean, natural building materials are harder to find these days. An architect friend of mine, was given the job of designing a house for a lady, who was allergic to almost everything around these days. This lady could not go anywhere, unless she wore special breathing apparatus and clothing. In short, the architect found different ways of using real, earth-friendly materials as building materials and even found pure woollen carpets, made in New Zealand, which were allergy free. His client was very happy with the result, but it took my friend quite a bit of research, to come up with the desired result. Hey, which one lives longer without help, the mongrel dog in the slums or the highly domesticated pure bred one? We all NEED the support of some ‘presumable unwanted’ creatures in our lives AND AS I SAID: “Let’s live with nature”, and build a strong immune system. We have to live with all creation around us. Those people who are super clean, are often sick, have three colds a year, as the slightest ‘infection’ attacks them and they cannot ward them off themselves, without outside help. This came very clear to me, when I was travelling around Australia in my 4WD, starting in 2009, for 6 years all by myself, camping out each night and trusting the Universe to keep me safe, that BEING PART OF NATURE was imperative. I had ants crawling over me during the night at times; I had a snake slither across my foot, while I was eating some lunch; I had a little bird land on my knee, while I was meditating; a butterfly land on my shoulder; a little gecko crawl over my hair and face and rested on my arm for about 5 minutes, while I was lying in bed, watching me and ‘I am thrilled with all that’. In my cabin, I get visitors in the form of crested pigeons, bearded dragons and lizards as my door is always open. I have resident geckos, who control the spider population. Even though they cannot read, I have a sign hanging on the wall saying: “Mia casa es tu casa”, my house is your house. They must feel the loving energy I have created of welcome. LIVE WITH NATURE! While I was in the bush, I realised that these were natural things that would or could happen and I did not scream or behave in a radical manner, especially in the case of the snake. I just sat still and allowed him to pass by. Had I moved suddenly, this snake would have reacted in a defensive manner and probably bit me. I felt so peaceful all the time. Some people, in fact MOST people, would be horrified, to experience that snake events, but that is because we are TOLD to dislike them and not trust them. It is just the other way around. You should send out your positive vibes and you will find that the animals react to that in a positive manner as well. We all know, that if you are afraid of a dog or a horse, they are aware of that and will not trust you, so they are on their defensive. Send them love instead. Bees don’t just sting you for fun! I have rescued bees from water holes, my swimming pool and other places and allowed them to go on their way again….yes, with my bare hands. I had many visitors come around my campsites in the bush, especially birds, also kangaroos, wallabies, emus, bearded dragons and more. I would also talk to them, something some people would not even consider. They do not understand language, but they feel the meaning of communicating with a soft and calming voice. I know and I had and still have the faith, that God was there all the time, protecting me from harm and sending me the trusting animals, such as the birds, especially as this trip was suggested to me by Him. This trip was a test of faith, I felt so amazing every moment of the day and night. It was the love for the creations I encountered and certainly NOT the thought of killing. Yes, even the snake, was welcome, as after all, I was camping in his territory. I was 76 years old and all alone. Would you be able to do that? It was a really spiritual trip, to make me realise that Mother Earth is there for all of us ‘in peace’, as long as we allow this to happen. This first trip was 23,500 km long. When I got back home, I attached the caravan to my 4WD and continued for another 5+ years. I learned to accept the fact, that we live in a destructive society. A society that is selfish, not thinking of ‘the whole’ and not caring of the future we will have to face, especially the children. People go out camping and set up beside a crocodile infested river or creek. That is all very nice, but if you get attacked, that is your ‘stupid fault’. You are in his/her territory and you should be aware of the crock’s behaviour. So often the authorities are called in and the crock is either killed or taken away from HIS home. That is just so unfair. What if a crock decided to camp on your front lawn? What would you do? Yes, I know, you would also kill him, so it does not matter what the situation is, YOU JUST KILL ALL THE TIME! SO WRONG! The weather on my 4WD trip was superb every day. Even though I was travelling during the monsoon season, I did not see a cloud for about 5 months, especially driving through the Territory and North WA. Getting back to weeds, another item of concern. What are weeds? Generally, a weed is an unwanted plant. So, what do we do? We kill them! But we should not! I have covered this well and truly before, but in short, every plant, has a purpose, even if we don’t know what it is, the same as every animal has a purpose as written above. A good friend of mine, who was a Bio-dynamics teacher (now diseased), did a study in the usefulness of all sorts of weeds and found that most of them were very useful indeed, by bringing up minerals from deeper in the soil to the top, so other plants may benefit from these minerals for growth and nutrition. The reason why we sometimes have a real infestation of a particular weed is that the ground (topsoil) is lacking in a certain mineral. Having these weeds come in and bring that mineral up to the top, is a GOD-sent. See, nothing is for nothing! Everything has a reason! IF, IF… you have weeds you do not like in your garden, DO NOT KILL THEM (especially with toxic poisons), but cut them at ground level, leaving the roots (which always include some small and important microbes and fungi) in the soil, and use the tops in your compost heap OR, lay them down beside your garden plants to wither for a few weeks and then cover them with mulch to break down. The value of them will be preserved and the minerals will be absorbed by the plants around them. Using a poisonous chemical substance, not only kills the weed, but also the little helpers in the soil around the plant. KILLING FOR FOOD. Man has always killed animals for their meat as food and used their hides for clothing or cover. Again, this is nature’s way, as long as the killing is humane, needed and sorrowful. I have seen very emotional killings done, where the hunters play homage to the animal and give thanks to them. Killing for a trophy is ridiculous and shows NO respect to the animal or Nature as a whole. Fishing should only be done to feed ourselves and should be limited to a meal or 2, but recreational FISHING is one of those “sports” (I don’t know why they call this sport), where a fish is hooked and shown to the world as a feature and then released back into the water. There are numerous fishing shows on the TV every week. What does that say to you, thinking about it now? What is going on? These poor animals have feelings too you know? Fishermen always say that fish have no feelings and do not feel pain. Come on man, who are you kidding? A study done on cod and haddock caught by fishermen found that they suffered pain for up to 2 hours, lying on the decks of the trawlers. That is cruelty at its best! Everything alive has feelings, yes even plants. (*) They may not feel ‘the kind’ of pain we feel, when we are hurt, but there still is a type of trauma. I always feel the pain a tree suffers, when I see it cut down. (*) It has been proven that plants react to music very well and grow much larger fruits. I have seen tomatoes grown that way. That means they have feelings and in fact they do cry out with a sound, we cannot hear, when they are cut down. It is horrible to see! Some trees have been growing for hundreds of years, withstanding storms and massive winds, rains and droughts and still survive, till man comes along with his chain saw and takes its life in a matter of minutes. Oh, that is so stupid (most of the time)! I know that we sometimes need a tree for the wood, to build a shelter or make furniture as I said, but I am talking about the ‘willy-nilly’ felling of tracks of forest for grazing etc We should always give THANKS, whenever we take anything from Mother Nature. Teach this to our children as well. Teach them to LOVE nature and be part of it. Teach them to entice a ‘bird’ to come to them, instead of chasing them away. I have my little wild friends come in every day. I have witnessed the clearing of grazing land, where 2 massive D9 bulldozers with a chain between them, drag this heavy chain over the ground and flatten everything in their way. Here comes the worst part… THEY WIND-ROW THESE TREES AND JUST BURN THEM, without the timber being used for building anything or firewood and creating air pollution, as they burn for days on end. I stated that we should give back as well. How? By growing trees and saving water for instance. It is time we all started to realise, that life is sacred and part of the plan of Creation. THOU SHALT NOT KILL! If you are a potter and create a nice article, something you and other people admire, you value that don’t you? Along comes some careless idiot and drops that article on the floor and smashes it into many pieces, HOW DO YOU FEEL? You may be a painter and painted something very special. A friend helps you to hang it on the wall and he/she tears the canvas, through sheer neglect, how does that make you feel? Just 2 examples of what a creator feels, when something gets abused. I wonder how God feels, seeing so much destruction all the time, by selfish, money-hungry people? The creation of Mother Earth is a very special and intricate one, so beautifully balanced and should not be interfered with un-necessarily. It is nature’s way to supply and give, whatever it can, but we as people especially, should NEVER abuse these rights, something that is happening, since MODERN MAN came to take charge (joke). We have to learn to respect and give back with love and to always give meaningful thanks. The right to kill, lies in the usefulness of the victim to the killer, but only for survival. God allows us to use whatever we need from this planet within reason and usefulness. ‘Willy-nilly’ killing is NEVER acceptable and I am quite sure that our Creator gets mad with us sometimes, even though He loves us unconditionally. For a long time and even today, millions of trees are still being felled every day, to make way for grazing land, cotton growing (^) and also for urban developments. Mining is so destructive to the land, and these mining companies never repair their scars on the land, so they can regrow to a former glory. This has been going on for many years as we all know. Take, leave a mess and walk away! I know that the Earth has made some changes in its axis over the years and we have seen the climate changes going back in history. Could some of this be part of the imbalance, caused by mining and shifting billions of tons of goods from one hemisphere to another? Something to think about! Other tracks of land have been cleared in tropical rain forests for the growing of oil palms, destroying the habitat of many animals and under story plants, including the little workers in the soil, who are now extinct and others are on the verge of becoming extinct. It is estimated that between 200 and 2000 species of creation are lost every year. That is phenomenal! This is not new, so since it has been happening for a while already, how many species have we lost so far? Many thousands apparently. Since 1970, the size of animal populations for which data is available, have declined by 69% on average. (#The living planet project). Its 2022 report includes figures across 30,000 wildlife populations. (#Source: WWF and Zoological Society of London.) The latest information about our beloved animals the koalas and the bilbies, is not very encouraging. They have now been put on the endangered list. How about that hey? Can you imagine Australia without Koalas? It may happen you know! (^) Cotton needs a lot of water to grow, something Australia does not have. Other plants, like hemp, would be a much better alternative, which is so very versatile and can be used in more ways than cotton. Even bamboo in my opinion is a crop, which is useful for many applications. Bamboo, a very fast growing ‘grass’ (*), is already being used in the building industry, furniture, blinds and is made into fabric as well. I have seen scaffoldings in Hong Kong, made of bamboo, many stories high, instead of steel, which is mined. Bamboo needs very little water and may be grown in various climates. It would save trees from being cut down. Bamboo shoots are edible and make a nice addition to a salad. (*) Some species of bamboo can reach 30 metres in height and can grow as much as 1 metre a day. I can’t think of any tree coming close to achieving this. Many tree species are in danger of becoming extinct as well and that is very serious indeed. (I cannot go into this in detail, as it would take many pages, but believe me, it is serious.) Clearing forests not just takes away the habitats of larger animals, but also many of the so very important smaller ones, who constantly work hard, 24/7, to stop the world from becoming a cesspool in-which we would have to live. Dung beetles alone are an amazing beetle to watch and see how they ‘ball-up’ animal dung and roll these balls into burrows, to fertilise the soil and at the same time clean up the surface of the ground. That is just one of the amazing duties of the almost unseen little helpers and there are thousands of them. The earthworm is another very special animal who also works 24/7, digesting food scraps, turning them into valuable and natural nutrients for the soil. Fungi, as mentioned are the forgotten helpers, which play a very important part in nature. Modern chemicals KILL all these little friends in the soils of modern agricultural lands. These farms lands are mostly dead and now completely rely on the added fertiliser. A friend of mine, who was a wheat farmer years ago, helped me into proving this fact. He had a farm in western NSW. His top soil depth was about 25 mm. after using Super Phosphate for years. During rain, this super phosphate would run off the land into the creeks and rivers, as it would not go down deep enough to be used up there at root level, causing havoc. I showed him my ideas and he followed them. Within 3 years, his topsoil depth was about 125 mm and was holding the moisture after rains. His crop trebled and the wheat kernels were big and plump. He got a much better price for his crops afterwards, following this method, without SUPER phosphate, which kills the earth dwellers. The soil became balanced again. ROCK PHOSPHATE (*), the basis of Super phosphate (without the chemicals sulphuric acid and phosphoric acid) was used instead and the health of the soil improved so much, because the earth dwellers came back and survived, making the soil healthy again. The use of rock phosphate is much more economical as well. (*) Rock phosphate is completely natural. Look it up. There are many occasions in our lives, when we can improve our living ways, adapting a number of the old ways again, but we must be strong and resist the pressures and temptations from the BIG BOYS. Don’t “nod” all the time. See my booklet: “WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF “NOD”. Watch out for that “dangling carrot”! Don’t be too hasty to catch it, before giving the offer a great deal of thought; how will it affect you and your world? Please be aware of the gravity of the situation, the way the world is being wrecked and we should all work together, every single one of us, to rectify (?) it NOW. These situations are extremely serious for the survival of mankind and all the rest of creation. If you do not pitch in, you may be called a murderer, as the killing goes on. You and all of us have to stop the killing. You might say: “It won’t affect me, because I will be gone anyway.” THAT WOULD BE A SERIOUS, IRRESPONSIBLE AND SELFISH ATTITUDE TO TAKE AND A SIGN THAT YOU DON’T LOVE YOUR CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN, nor the EARTH as a whole. What about your family? You are the one who brought your children into this world and you have a responsibility to make sure that they are catered for in a humane manner. I would like to live for many more years and enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth, but if the destruction and killing keeps on going, I would rather not be part of it any more. I have tried hard and still do my utmost, to help wherever I can, to keep Mother Earth happy. WATER. On the farms I owned, we were always very aware of waste, especially of water. We had to conserve every drop and make it work for us somehow. I built swales like you see above. In some cases, we used water twice whenever possible, before it would go back into the soil and was taken up as the third time use. Even today, living in my little cabin, I always turn the tap off as soon as possible and run it at a very low flow rate, having a shower for instance. People who constantly have a bath, use HEAPS of water. Each bath-full is about 125 litres, which is equivalent to about 15 buckets of water. Extended showers use the same amount. When you go camping and use a bush/bucket shower, you may use about 5 litres of water and you still get clean. My friends, it is necessary to think about this now and at least get used to doing it, because in the near future, you will HAVE TO. Some people brag about having long, hot showers. That is no longer what we should do for 3 reasons: 1. The waste of precious water; (only used once) 2. The waste of electric energy, heating your water; and 3. The Chlorine which is in the water, is released in the air as Chloroform in the shower recess and you are breathing that. The hotter the water, the more Chloroform (*) is released. The longer the shower, the more you breathe in.?????? You have not heard about this before, have you? No, because the authorities do not tell you about all these dangers. You might panic! Well start panicking right now, because it is time to. The ‘you know what’ is going to hit the fan very soon and you will be caught. (*) Chloroform can cause excitement, and nausea, followed by dizziness and drowsiness. Exposure to chloroform may cause heat problems, fits, unconsciousness and in some case death. Chlorine can be detected in the water when you turn on the tap at times. Heating or boiling chlorinated water does NOT get rid of the chlorine. Leaving a saucepan filled with chlorinated water open to the air overnight, will reduce the amount of the chlorine a bit. ELECTRICITY is another service, we should be saving on, by switching off ALL THE STANDBY lights on all our gadgets at night for instance. It is estimated, that the average family can save over a hundred dollars a year, doing just that. THAT IS ANOTHER $100. Having your home lit-up like a Christmas tree, all the year round, is of course just plain stupid these days. Buildings in cities are lit up all night and most of these lights are NOT really needed for anything. Some may be for security, but many could be switched off. There are so many ways of saving on electricity. As soon as you walk out of a room, turn the light off. Don’t have the ceiling fan going unless you are in the room. Turn the TV and the computer off, when you are not watching/using them. No wonder, that your electricity account is so high. Do something about it yourself! It pays to think. It all adds up. There are more ways of saving money, by just being aware of the things to do. (Adding up the wastes we create, reminds me of the plastic shopping bags, still being used by supermarkets. I was shopping the other day and the customers in front of me bought 4 plastic bags at 15 cents each. Most people shop once a week, so these people would do this over and over again at an annual expense of $31.20. You might say: “What is that amount per year!” Not a great deal, but I am adding up all the little amounts here. We are too lazy or irresponsible, to bring back these bags to the shop when we go out again. Afterall these new bags are designed to be used over and over again and again. As I mentioned, we MUST ALL consciously work together to make things work.) Don’t be so apathetic! On the farms, we were very aware of recycling and everything possible, was turned into compost. Plastics were almost all eliminated, by buying in bulk as a coop with a number of friends in our neighbourhood; also taking our own glass containers to be filled over and over again at the bulk-food store, etc. Metal cans would be left to rust and put into the compost heap. (there were not too many of them anyway.) (*) To feed the world’s population, growing vegetarian foods, such as all the vegetables and fruits, would take only 1/40th of the land mass, compared to meats, especially beef. (**) If everyone planted just one tree a year, to replace the timber you have used in your life, that would mean 8 billion trees, a big problem could be prevented. That would not be too difficult! Just one tree each! Working together is the secret. We should NOT leave these actions to just a few members of the community. It is YOUR LIFE I am talking about. My record of planting trees would be well over 2000. PLANTING TREES WOULD KEEP THE EARTH COVERED WITH PLANT LIFE, PROTECTING THE GROUNDS FROM DRYING OUT AND BECOMING DESSERTS AND HAVING NO LIFE WITHIN IT. Growing more trees (*), would also see to it that we get rains, something so many places are short of. Where there are trees standing, there is regular rainfall. That is how it was designed! I find it interesting to read, that trees naturally produce small particles, called Terpenes which rise up into the sky and “seed the clouds”, meaning they make the clouds release the water in the form of droplets. You can see the blue haze in many areas, over the mountains (our famous Blue Mountains); well, that is the stuff! Unfortunately, the amount of sulphuric acid in the air today, compared to the pre-industrial days, slows this action down, so here again we see what man has done to life. The chemical companies have a lot to answer for. COMPOST making in every home, should be a priority. Waste plant material, should always go back to the soil, to make ‘food’ for the plants, the way nature intended it. Plants, weeds, grass cuttings (^), branches, sawdust, paper, cardboard without the plastic tapes, NATURAL CLOTHING like PURE cotton, bamboo and hemp…..all that stuff is valuable at home as compost, but in the garbage dumps, it contributes to methane gas production. (^) Your lawn mower should have ‘mulching blades’ fitted, so the lawn clippings feed your lawn automatically and you do not have to get rid of them elsewhere. These circumstances are very seldom realised by the average person, who contributes to global warming due to pollution, demanding goods and services, over and above their needs. In 2022, it was estimated, that we are now ‘raping’ the earth of over 70%, above a reasonable amount of use of its resources; THAT IS DISGUSTING! That is emptying the barrel fast, without replenishing the contents. There will NOT be anything left for our off-spring to really enjoy life, like we have now and in the past and the balance of nature is never addressed. There are pockets of people around the world, who try so hard to make things work, but there are not enough followers and these people are often laughed at, doing the right thing and looked at as weird-ohs, hippies or alternates, but at least they love Mother Earth. Most people are happy to just go on living the way they are used to and don’t give any thought to pitching in to help ‘THEMSELVES’ in the end. Yes, it is for YOU, THAT I WRITE THIS! I cry at times and I get very emotional often and it ‘breaks my heart’ and I feel sad when I see: 1. destruction of nature, 2. wastage of water, such as car washing on the concrete driveway, instead of the lawn; long showers; running water unnecessarily; not fixing dripping taps (big problem). 3. replacing goods without a real reason; (just because you want the latest) 4. not recycling everything possible, like plastic bags in the supermarket, 5. polluting, 6. seeing most shows on TV which are so unrealistic and damaging to the brain; killing, destruction etc. Little in the way of reality! 7. contact sports, where the players get injured in every game for no good reason except money; 8. the angry faces the audience displays during football in all codes, including children. 9. young children going on rampages and stealing and killing (*), often at night when they should be in bed. Why are they on the streets anyway? Don’t the parent care? Okay, you get the drift! I HOPE. It is time, that we realise, that these ‘young people’ are just NOT mature enough, to be left on their own. Once upon a time, we were cared for by our parents. We were educated in responsibility, as members of society, till such time we could manage ourselves and our actions. Lowering the age of ‘maturity’ has done nothing but increase crime and vandalism. I have suggested before, that these young people should be controlled by the government, as it was in days gone by, through compulsory conscription. Some of them should even be in a ‘boot camp’, to make them responsible to live in society as citizens, if the parents cannot fulfill that duty for some reason or another. BUT…unruly children are just NOT TAUGHT AT HOME, to be responsible. The army was always a good place to teach young people responsibility and mates-mans-ship. If young people cannot be controlled and they are supposed to be ‘adults’, then the parents should be held responsible for their actions. After all, we brought them into the world and therefor it our responsibility to make sure that they conform to society. Are we too busy to care? Do we love our children? Is there anything more important than a beautiful, responsible, even tempered, ‘busy with ideas’ young person? Are the children taught to be proud of themselves, by conforming to the rules? Are they proud to be seen, as individuals being polite? Is it so difficult to have a smile on your face all the time? EMPLOYMENT. The government is bringing in people from overseas, to fill job vacancies. WHY? Why can’t we employ these young people, who are often on the dole (for doing nothing) to fill the jobs on farms, during harvest times for instance? You do not have to be educated to do these jobs and they can make good money as well. The jobs are fulfilling; working in the fresh air and making them tired, so they will sleep properly and they meet other young people, often from overseas, which can be a very educating experience. Why is the government paying the dole to people, whilst there is a need for workers, in all sorts of industries? I can’t understand this anymore. You know, I am sad writing all this down and I am almost crying right now. IT BREAKS MY HEART! It should not be like this; life should be a breeze and flowing like the wind. We should all be responsible and happy with each other and our own deeds. It doesn’t take that much effort to be that way, but it will always be a ‘give-and-take situation’. It is sad indeed. I want you to enjoy yourselves and be happy, just being on this Earth, using its resources with love in your heart and be friends of all creation. Adopt a wild animal. Don’t allow your child to chase animals, especially birds on the beaches. See if you can get these animals to come close to you. That would be some feat, but possible. It starts at home. Peace is what we should aim for, nor war or hate. Later on, I will talk about a world-wide war looming. (More killing). (*) Once upon a time, most people had a hobby and that kept them busy for hours a day. Sport may be your hobby. Fatthers and their sons and sometimes daughters too, might turn wood, weld steel things, play around with cars, do gardening, go fishing or hiking etc. and that would teach them something worth-while. Mothers would crochet, knit, sew, garden as well, cook and bake and teach these crafts to the children. I mention playing a musical instrument a little later on. What has happened to that? Oh, yes, I know that some people still do things like that, but the percentage has dropped dramatically over the years. Is it, because that is no longer ‘cool’? Most younger people these days, are entertaining themselves with electronic gadgets, all by themselves in their own room most of the time. That’s cool, is it? They are using their phones to make contact with people, who not necessarily should be part of their lives, etc. Modern technology is fine, but it should be used properly and children should be scrutinised, when using these media. I still believe, that far too many phones are given to children, who should NOT have them available for 2 reasons: 1. The social aspect and 2. The dangers of radiation. I’ll leave it there. All of my brothers (6) played at least one instrument and we had many jam-sessions at home and in the local hall, where we would play, so people could dance. That kept us all entertained. We were taught to dance properly by our parents or aunts and uncles, instead of just ‘bobbing up and down’ not even to the rhythm of the music in surroundings of ‘flashing lights and very noisy music’ and lots of booze. Most couples getting married, often have a few lessons in dancing, before they dance the wedding dance. Dancing properly, should be part of our education, culture and entertainment. Years ago, when I lived on my first farm, some neighbours and I formed a small band and we played in the local hall. We were not professionals, but the locals loved it. We had so much fun. Yes, I feel very happy often and I laugh till I ‘cry-for-happy’ (emotional), when I: 1. see beautifully behaved and happy children for instance, who entertain themselves playing games with their little mates or parents. 2. find birth such a miracle and I get very emotional when I see a little baby born and who often smile almost instantly. 3. See young animals trying to stand up as soon after they are born. 4. See the way a sheep jumps high in the air, after it has been shorn. 5. See a deer doing the same when frightened or disturbed. 6. see a sports person win a trophy. 7. see a happy couple achieving amazing things, building their homes or setting up a business. 8. watch nature shows on TV, being educated in the miracles of Mother Earth. There are so many more occasions when I really get a kick from happy times and scenes. And that’s where I get a lot of my information and knowledge from. Q: “Does it make you happy, seeing a sheep jump after shearing?” A: ?? I used to go hiking a lot and while on these outings, I learned so much, just being alone with nature, listening to bird calls, seeing animals in their natural state, foraging and teaching their offspring to fend for themselves; feeling amazing energies, while walking through the bush etc. It is so good and relaxing. On one occasion I was camping on the Noosa North Shore, in a camping ground. Just before dark, a group of campers pulled up and set up their camp, BUT before anything else went up, a banner, advertising a beer company was erected. I was a bit worried, because they were just metres from where I was camped and I feared the worst. They started to drink, make loud music and generally did everything wrong as far as other campers were concerned. The ranger came over soon after that and sent them on their way. I was very happy and so were other campers. I don’t like modern movies, where the accent is on destruction and killing. It is extremely unreal and dangerous for some people to watch, especially the vulnerable young ones, as they accept these acts as normal and may follow them in real life. Maybe that is part of the reason, why so many young people are going crazy stealing, killing and destroying property. With nothing better to do????? Without any remorse. No hobbies, no sport etc.; no future. I just look back at the length of time that I have been on this place and have seen things degenerating faster and faster as the days go on. Industries are mostly controlled by ‘a few’ people, who somehow think they can do whatever they want to, forgetting that ‘you and I’ have a right to be living on this beautiful and rich Earth and enjoy ALL of its benefits equally. When you come to think of all the things NASA and others do for instance and sends up rockets for all sorts of reasons, the pollution it causes is phenomenal for one. Often it is said that these rockets are for space exploration, which is all very nice, but not all that necessary. (I think that most of these experiments are for other, more devious purposes, something we are not told about). Surely, the cost of sending them there, could be better spent on something else more worthwhile. Yesterday they sent up another rocket, to place 61 (I think that is the number) communication satellites in orbit around the earth. Is that what they really are? There are hundreds of them in space already. The last count I got was 160+ Iridium satellites, which are communication satellites plus others. The mining industry, the farming sector, the chemical industries, the food industry, oil and gas exploration etc., are to blame for a lot of destruction as mentioned above. This includes the Medical profession, backed by the Big Pharma. There is so much damage done, taking these chemical medicines, which are doing a lot of harm. Sorry, but it is true. There are ALWAYS bad side effects from them and they in turn have to be addressed, mostly by taking more drugs, which are also damaging. Some people argue, that people live longer these days, because of the modern approach to ‘health’. However, the quality of life is not there. Keeping people alive, for alive sake is in my opinion not the way to go and I for one do NOT want to be kept alive, unless my quality of life is 100%. I believe so much in PREVENTION, something the medical mob does not teach their patients. The whole accent is on TREATING, NOT EVEN CURING, because that would not bring in the constant flow of money and chemicals are ALWAYS DAMAGING. Today, a news item mentioned that another medicinal drug was recalled, because of its side effects. This is happening all the time. I have taken notice of this, as most people let that sort of news go over their heads. It is YOU, who are taking these drugs, always made by the BIG PHARMA. Did you know, that the body is self-healing? That means, that giving the body time and rest, maybe taking some herbs or vitamins and minerals, it will attack most diseases, BUT YOU MUST BE WELL TO START OF WITH, having your immune system working well. It is the taking out time to heal, that is the biggest problem these days, as we are all geared to go to work each day and have to fulfill our duties there. WHAT TO DO? Meat production, including chicken and fish are sped up by concentrating these animals in small areas, feeding them foods, they do not normally eat, as we see in the growing of cattle at times. Hundreds of animals are huddled into yards, called ‘feed lots’, eating very small portions of their natural foods, such as the grasses. They trample in manure all day and it smells awful. This manure has to be cleaned often and the disposal of it has become a problem as well. When cattle graze in a paddock, they defecate all around the paddock and not in just one place. The dung beetles and earth worms for instance, see to the disposal of this manure the natural way. These feed-lot cattle are being fed grains (to fatten them as quickly as possible), something that is totally un-natural for them to eat. They are chemically treated for parasites and other diseases and pellets of growth hormones are implanted under the skin of the animal’s ear, between the skin and the cartilage on the backside of the ear to speed up growth. The reason for it is, so they can be slaughtered at a younger age for consumption. Production-line cattle. These cattle belch and pass wind a lot and that is methane gas. (BIG PROBLEM.) Chickens are fattened in confined spaces, apparently without growth hormones in Australia. This is cruelty at its best. Fortunately, there are some chicken farms, that allow the chickens to roam outside and ‘graze’ and scratch around, something a chicken does naturally, from the day it is born. Pigs don’t fare any better either. Modern health practices in swine production require numerous antibiotics (*) to make them grow faster. (*) REPORCIN is a hormone used in the Australian pork industry. HPG’s applied to cattle, contain naturally occurring hormones (oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone, or synthetic hormones trenbolone acetate and zeranol. Fish are now grown in large ponds in the oceans or rivers and are also fed food, which they normally would not eat. These ponds cause another pollution problem, because of the concentration of fish in a small area. To ensure that your meats are hormone free, is to buy organic meats. The only way you could stop cattle from being herded into feed lots, is to refuse GRAIN FED BEEF for instance, or become a vegetarian. (Oops, that hurts, doesn’t it?) At least become a user of MUCH LESS meat (*). Cattle are natural grazers and should walk around to aid their digestion. (*) A portion of meat in a normal meal, should be no larger than the palm of your hand, not these massive T-bone steaks, that don’t even fit on your plate. Your body has an amazing task, digesting so much meat. Red meat should only be consumed at most 3 times a week. There is always a problem with the wastes. Having so many animals in a confined space, creates the problem of pollution through the formation of methane gas, which massively contributes to the climate changes we are all aware of. We often blame the use of fossil fuels in our cars for the aforesaid, but there is so much more. Rubbish dumps create a lot of methane gas. Methane gas is killing the ozone layer around the earth. Recycling is another reason for reducing this from happening. Composting at home makes so much sense, as I said before. There are even gadgets you can buy these days, that make gas from your organic waste in your home. Go to: HOMEBIOGAS.COM Others can turn your toilet waste into methane gas as well, so you can cook your meals for free on the methane gas produced and not as some smart- alec said: “Cooking your food on the smell of s..t!” I believe that these units are, or at least can be the same unit. FIND OUT. Both these gadgets make gas from your vegetable scraps and toilet wastes and give you a fertiliser for your garden as well. You can save 6 tons of CO2 per year; it is completely off-grid; and there are different models for the different size families. Once upon a time, we did not really need these sorts of aids, as the population was a great deal less and more or less spread apart. Mother Earth could cope with the effluents that way. These days, we are all couped=up in cities and towns, where there are townhouses, units and multi-story flats, so therefor the wastes have become a real issue If we are going to be realistic about saving Mother Earth, we should consider these gadgets as well as our solar systems. There is a lot out there to learn and implement. Flying in a plane ….. wow, how much pollution is caused by them in a day? It is estimated in 2018, that at any time during the day and night, there are over a million people in the air, day and night. Therefor there are thousands of aeroplanes in the air carrying these passengers. As an exercise I have come up with the following, taking into consideration these figures. Say an average plane carries 250 persons, so that is about 4000 planes to cater for these million passengers. Over the course of a 10-hour flight, a Boeing 747 will burn 36,000 gallons/150,000 litres of fuel. 4000 planes @ 150,000 litres in 10 hours, makes it 600 million litres of jet fuel. The grand total of 1,440,000,000 litres over 24 hours will be burned. Nearly 1 ½ billion litres, every day. I just found an update to these figures in 2022. There are now between 7782 and 8755 commercial planes flying at any given time, that is double my earlier estimates. The passenger figures have also increased to 1,270,406 per day. Another look at some figures do indicate, that there could be as many as 8000 to 20,000 planes flying at certain times (flightradar24). The sky over the USA is almost to saturation point at most times of the day and night with aircraft. At any moment of the day and night, you can see one or more planes flying overhead. OH, MY GOODNESS! I KNEW IT WOULD BE A LOT, BUT I DID NOT REALISE THAT MYSELF, THAT IT WOULD BE THAT MUCH? It pays to think, doesn’t it? And that is just, what it is all about: THINKING FOR YOURSELF AND NOT JUST FOLLOWING THE CROWD OR PUTTING YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND, because you will be very ILL-INFORMED. The average person just buys an airline ticket, hops on a plane, has a good time and comes home to continue his life, as if nothing has happened. This is what I mean, we don’t think about our movements properly and try to do better, except plan another trip a.s.a.p. During the flying restrictions caused by the Covid 19 epidemic, the air was so much cleaner, something not many people realised. Now you know why! NO PLANES! And fewer cars were driven during that time as well. In some cities, like Beijing, which normally are so polluted with car pollution, that you can’t see the other end of the long roads, you could see forever. In Australia in 2020, we used around 51 billion litres of fuel in our cars and trucks per year. Pretty smelly stuff that! I saw an article yesterday, where some scientists are thinking of releasing millions of tons of dust from the moon and place this dust between the Sun and Earth, to stop the severity of the sun’s heating rays, warming the Earth. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous in your entire life? This would be interfering with nature in the worst possible way. I always believe in PREVENTION, rather than curing a problem, as you might read in my book: “PREVENTION, but the dirty deed has been done and should have been prevented. To even think of something this drastic, is just plain stupid. You just don’t undo one wrong, with another wrong! GROWING FOOD, has become a controlled science, run by the large giants, who produce chemicals, to so-called “grow things better and faster”. These multi-nationals go around the world and tell farmers that the use of their chemicals is the only way, you can be successful in growing crops. I have been to these meetings in a small rural community and heard them try and convince these poor souls, but fortunately there were a number of Bio-dynamic growers present, including myself, who bitterly complained to them, that they were wrong, but again, we were in the minority and further afield, these sales people did much better among the large farming companies, who were not aware of bio-dynamics etc. Many of the seeds you buy today, to grow your own food, are Genetically Modified, which means that the seeds that these plants produce, ARE NOT the true replica from the mother plant and will NOT REPRODUCE another crop. This also means you are controlled again and you will have to buy more seeds next time you want to grow these products. The companies who do the GM seeds, are killing the way, nature has planned for you to grow future plants from your own seeds. If you are keen to grow your own food, you should join a ‘seed-savers club’ in your area, to get the TRUE, REPRODUCING SEEDS for your next crop of produce. You can save those seeds and they will be viable. Pest controls, weed controls, insect sprays, chemical cleaners, air-fresheners, artificial anything is the go these days are used ‘willy-nilly’, and pushed hard via the media, which in my opinion is controlled by …… you guessed it! It is more “killing”. Growing food, which is full of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, should always be the aim, so using Natural methods, which will do that, is surely the way to go. 'Bio-dynamics' practices and 'Syntropic' farming are 2 systems I am familiar with and the produce you get from these properties is full of nutrition. We are working WITH NATURE here. Nothing artificial. We should also eat less, as in quantity. People eat far too much food in one sitting. You should always be just a little hungry after a meal. Some meals served in these take-away outlets are disgustingly large. You (not me) cannot get your mouth around them and eating becomes a pretty messy job. In the days gone by, this would have been called “piggish”; no etiquettes. Your stomach is only 1 litre in capacity. Eating and drinking together is a no-no anyway. Have a drink of water ½ hour before a meal and again 1 hour after you have finished a meal. Allow your stomach juices and your saliva to do their job. Chewing LOTS is the answer, especially when we eat carbohydrates, such as breads, buns and pizzas. The saliva is digesting the carbohydrates and watering the saliva down, makes the digestion pretty ordinary. You would not put water in the fuel tank of your car, to stretch the amount of fuel, would you? Well, drinking with meals is doing just that and the saliva (fuel) is watered down to make it useless and the digestion suffers. Even medicines are taken by the hand full. So many artificial products are invented, to make money. A bit of a laugh. I was staying with a friend, who ran a back-packers place in Victoria. One day we were sitting on the veranda and the bush nurse came down the driveway, to bring my friend’s weekly medicines. As soon as he saw her, he exclaimed: “There comes the drug runner.” It made me laugh alright. Did you know that there are psychologists and psychiatrists employed, to invent a mental sickness, so the Big Pharma can produce a remedy to combat this. This is a hush-hush bit of information for you, not well known, but I read an article explaining this to my disgust. The latest invented ‘disease’ is shopping mania. Soon you will be treated with a drug, to stop you from being a “shopaholic”. Sunscreen products are full of dangerous chemicals, something that is never mentioned and they are doing you and the environment a lot of harm. Yes, some of the chemicals in sunscreens are KILLING the natural reefs, such as the Barrier Reef. These products have already been put on the “NO-NO’ list in Hawaii and other states in the USA. I have covered these things before as well. To stop yourself from being sunburned, is to dress against it and wear a wide-brimmed hat and/or use a zinc cream. We all need some sun, every day if possible, to get a natural supply of Vitamin D, but it should be sun bathing, NOT sun baking. What I am really trying to get you to understand, is that ‘LIFE AS WE KNOW IT IS DYING FAST’, but we can overcome this by THINKING FOR OURSELVES and acting upon it. Think NATURAL not CHEMICAL. Life these days is not the kind of life, the way God meant us to live. I will not go into this here, as it too has been covered well and truly before in my previous writings: “THE WAY WE ARE MEANT TO LIVE” and also in “WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF NOD”. Unless we wake up VERY FAST, (something is going to happen, due to the attitude of the majority), I see a real problem for survival in the near future. People seem to be just happily moving along without a care, because you don’t think about things like I do and we don’t like changes. You also DON”T get the true information from the authorities either, who work in with the BIG BOYS. MY THOUGHTS are expressed here and in other articles and books, NOT TO HURT YOU but instead to give you and your children and grand-children a chance to enjoy Mother Earth and all its beauty and comforts, the way we were meant to. Therefor I wrote: “THE WAY WE ARE MEANT TO LIVE.” I have the time and the inclination to investigate and research these things, especially since I have retired, but it is not something new. I have been doing this for a long time now and started to write about my findings in the early eighties to pass on this information, so you may benefit. I am NOT an academic, but a practical learner and all the knowledge I have gained over the years, has been through this process. Many well-known people, like Albert Einstein and Nicola Tesla for instance, left school at an early age, to develop their own brain power and not follow the boring, mostly useless information you get fed at school. I have spoken to many parents about this and they all agree. My own experience as a father of 6 children has proven that as well. I have had plenty of discussions with teachers about the curricula set by the department of education, but their hands are tied. In my early days of writing, I used a Gestetner copying machine to print my findings. I can hear you ask: “What is that?” (That was a messy business). It is amazing how much the way of copying has improved. That WAS old fashioned technology, BUT it was the first way of copying and good at the time. I am glad I am using the computer and printer now though, with all its possibilities of writing and editing very quickly and efficiently. I can make typing mistakes and correct them instantly. A typing mistake made on the Gestetner was a problem, as you had to cover that particular letter with a type of nail polish, wait till it dried and then type the letter again. Can you imagine that happening today? This is what I like about modern technology.) We don’t know what lies around the corner. Look at the devastation caused by the earth quake in Turkey and surrounding countries in February 2023. (I am writing this article during this disaster). So much heartache and death, the freezing cold weather, the lack of services, food and shelter and all this during the winter mind you. How would you cope? How would you react and would you be able to live with that forever, having lost some family members and/or close friends and all your belongings? All the killing and destruction! Yes, Australia knows its disasters too. Our floods, droughts and fires are always lurking around the corner, so those people who suffer during these times, will feel the pain and anguish very deeply. Poverty! ….. most people don’t really know what that is. A lot of us complain that we cannot ‘make ends meet’, but again I have covered that already and most of you who are reading this article, can get out of it, by curbing your un-necessary spending on “THINGS”. Real poverty, something these people suffer during the earthquake is very hard to take. It is un-imaginable. Think about it for a moment!!!A bit longer!!! No food, water, heating, shelter, clothing, friends and no future for a lot of them. Where do these millions of people go now? It happened all so quickly and as science tells us, these natural disasters will become more frequent and intense. We have already seen the fires, droughts and floods and other earthquakes, which are more severe than ever before right around the whole world. Records are constantly broken. As a young boy of 11, I had a taste of poverty, hunger, no services like water and electricity, being cold and sheltering in an almost dark cellar under the house and having to go out once every 3 days to get water from the river to drink and pick up some road-side herbage to eat to feed 4 adults and 6 children, towards the end of WW2, whilst the shells and bombs were falling all around me. It was hard, but NOTHING like these people in Turkey and surrounding countries. Having been there makes one appreciate, what these poor people are going through. At least, I had my family and we had no deaths. I had another reason to cry, as my emotions got the better of me, a few days after the beginning of the earthquake, seeing these people suffer greatly. And here in Australia, we are so far away and we (NOT ALL OF US) just keep on living, as if nothing has happened. At least pray for these unfortunate people, that they may find solace and can move on somehow. We need to be aware of ALL the things we, the people together, have to do to reduce pollution, waste, chemical use etc. and concentrate on the natural ways. God has invented and created everything for our benefit. Reduce your spending on ‘things’ you do not ‘need’, but just ‘want’. Don’t commit to CONSUMERISM. (Read my article). Learn to re-introduce simple entertainment with the family; learn to play a musical instrument as mentioned, instead of listening to someone else on your device (more money), get in the garden and grow food, learn to create by maybe whittling a piece of wood or at least find a hobby you like. Once you have found a hobby, you will have that for life and when you retire, you can still do that and be entertained, without the modern alcoholic drinks, which destroy you and your family. I remember one Sunday morning when I went into my workshop and put a piece of wood in the wood lathe. I started to shape it and re-set this piece and shape it some more, as it was an interesting burl, that had possibilities. I kept on working it, till my wife came down and asked: “Have you had lunch yet?” (This was 2 pm). I answered that I had not even had breakfast. The interest this piece of wood created, gave me no inclination of time and I was very happy, without eating, something we should all try from time to time. Missing a meal, eating less generally, fasting and giving our digestive system a break are all good things to do. Wednesday 15 March 2023. Today, the world is about to embark on something very furious. All sorts of nations are arming themselves with modern weaponry to fight another nation or nations. THIS IS THE MOST NEGATIVE ACTION THAT CAN BE TAKEN. Instead of arming nations, we should think of dis-arming and making peace instead of war. If a war breaks out now, we’ve had it everywhere. Man has chosen to live in a negative way; difficult, abusive, hatred, envious, etc. rather than living in a peaceful, loving, supportive, spiritual, caring, helping and emotional way. For whatever the reason, it seems that wanting to get more, especially money, has always been the reason. The method of getting and owning more, has become at times very violent and organisations were/are set up to deal with getting what the ‘boss’ wants. These organisations had/have no boundaries and KILLING is just another part of getting what they want. The mafia, bikie gangs etc. are often in the news. I find this very sad, as things could be so much happier and more loving. That is why I look at the situation in the whole world at present and it seems that all they want is WAR. Even small (population wise) countries, like Australia, who are so far from the Northern hemisphere, where there is so much unrest all the time, are getting themselves involved in these skirmishes, pretending to be needed as allies to the bigger boys, who continually keep producing armaments, which will have to be used, so a war is always a great place to get rid of their stocks. The reason I am in Australia, is that in the early 50’s, after WW2, there was a threat from Russia, who wanted to invade the rest of Europe. My parents decided to get away from there as far as possible. Now I hear that Australia is getting serious about modern warfare and joining in with the USA and the UK, to build up a massive fleet of submarines at an enormous cost to us all. I would rather see a peace pact signed and make Australia a neutral country instead, like Switzerland did during WW2. Just because others want to fight, does not mean we have to get involved. I know that this is almost impossible these days, as some forces are so strong, that an invasion of them could be imminent at any time. However, I personally believe in the WHITE LIGHT and the strength of it, that my life is safe till the day of my ‘use-by-date’. Whatever happens, happens, but I will be safe for now. BIG STATEMENT FOR MOST OF YOU TO UNDERSTAND, but I have written about this in previous writings and explained how it works. Anyway, peace, love, understanding, communication, willingness, giving in, accepting, sensibility, regards for others, especially the innocent bystanders and all these, should and WILL resolve so many differences in the whole world, starting at home in our families; the communities; the countries; THE WORLD! NO MORE UNNECESSARY KILLING. THOU SHALT NOT KILL! If world leaders want something from another world leader, let them fight in a boxing ring and have it sorted out there, without involving innocent people. I don’t really know how to attack the following message, as it is ever so important for everyone to know and you don’t hear about it ever on the news, which deals with NOTHING of any real importance. What we hear every day is killings, house fires, train derailments overseas and stuff like that, which really is not necessary to all listeners. I am sure, that the NEWS, is NOT being told. On a program called: “Killers of the cosmos”, aired on the 17/3/23 on Channel 96 at 9.30 pm, we were made aware of the immediate dangers that are about to befall all of us shortly, is that due to the enormous number of space-debris encircling the Earth right now, that is going to interfere with our daily life. Often, we hear about solar flares affecting the communications industry and indeed, they have done so, but the problem is and has been rectified fairly quickly. However, the well over 100 million pieces of space junk that are in orbit around the Earth, are already interfering with other space satellites and some of them have been knocked out of action. A lot of satellites are there for all sorts of communication uses. We, yes all of us, are using these services daily, through our phones, computers and television. Also banking, business communications, government business, overseas television, food supplies, agriculture and all sorts of other communication reasons are relying on these satellites to work on a 24/7 basis. The possibility is not IF, but WHEN another one or more of them get knocked out by a piece of space-junk, affecting our daily life. It does not have to be a big piece of junk, to do some enormous damage. A one-centimetre piece is enough to act like a bullet, the way they travel at such an enormous speed. In years gone by, we did not have to rely on this sort of communications and everything worked just fine anyway. It shows you that WE (the money people) have just gone a bit overboard with technology. An old saying goes: “When you are on a good thing, stick to it.” So, why change anything that works? Don’t take it for granted that the communication satellites are safe. THEY ARE NOT! I missed taken a photo of what the real problem is, but when you see the density of these ‘bombshells’ flying around, there is NOT MUCH ROOM for any more, either working satellites or space junk. I found another photo, which I printed earlier. It is very serious. Scientists are constantly monitoring ALL of these pieces, hoping they can avoid an accident from happening. This article (book) is all about killing. In having such a lust for MORE all the time, it appears that doing certain things is not possible without killing. Something has to give and make way for the NEW, often UNPROVEN way of advancement. We see this in medicine as well. So many drugs have been introduced in the past, only to be withdrawn at a later stage, since the side-effects were too great. This is always the case in getting things done in a hurry, without enough and proper testing. As I mentioned above, man has taken over the workings of a well-balanced Earth and has not considered the consequences in changing things early enough, to stop an almost impossible reversal to normality, the way it was designed in the first place. Thinking of going to Mars or anywhere else for that matter, is just walking away from our responsibility of cleaning up the mess we have made, destroying this place completely. Other places in the Universe have already space machinery left on them to foul their surroundings. What a start! We are not even there and there is man-made pollution on places where we will never live! This brings me to think about RESPONSIBILITY, but that will my next project, to write about this amazing need for all of us to exercise this, as it is a real ‘biggy.’ I hope I have opened up your eyes and ears a bit more and got you thinking. Please, for the sake of the children, your loved ones, help whenever you can and be serious about it. It is NO JOKE! Much love, Shanti PS. My website, covering all my writings is: shantilinsenbooks.com
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Shanti LinsenShanti shares his wisdom. He is an example of good health through following what he has been writing for decades. Archives
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